如果大家需要 Finance or Lease, 欢迎給我打电話, 我会給你最好的價錢和服務!
最近成功提供的工作Job Offered
為配合BC省 - 4S新車行業務發展及需要,將持續增聘車行: 銷售客服、 財務貸款 、市場營销、評估採購 、提供穩定有底薪$$$的工作、良好獲得利潤 %提成的機會、安全的工作環境及優厚的薪資和福利。
⭐ 進入 4S 新車行工作 - 需要满足以下 4 个条件 ⭐
⭐ 沒有犯罪記錄 , 請到警察局 RCMP 申請無犯罪紀錄證明 - Criminal Record Check
⭐ BC Driver License 駕駛執照, BC 省駕駛執照辦公室 www.icbc.com 申請
⭐ VSA 销售许可证 , 請到政府汽車經銷管理協會 www.vsabc.ca 申請
⭐ Social Insurance Number (SIN) 工卡
⭐⭐⭐ 如果有興趣入行, 請先入去政府网站 www.vsabc.ca 申請 VSA License, 报名后会有一个Conditional License # 可以用45 天的, 這段時間可以合法在车行工作, 也會有 $4000 底薪+20% 提成, 然后上班 45 天后, 再去考試, 我可以給你考試答案, 英文會看、會写就一定合格! 报名后, 告訴我, 我会安排面試! ⭐⭐⭐
底薪$4000 + 每台 $500 提成
☎️ ☎️ ☎️
底薪$4000 + 每台 $600 提成
底薪$4000 + 利潤 20% 提成
✅ ✅ ✅
底薪$4000 + 利潤 25% 提成
底薪$4000 + 利潤 30% 提成
⛽ ⛽ ⛽
底薪$4000 + 利潤 25% 提成
Berlin Zeng just got a "Retail Salesperson" job offer from Motor One Luxury. Congratulation!
If you are looking for a Luxury Used Car, please give Berlin a call : 236-777-6905.
Henry Wu just got a "Purchasing Team Leader" job offer from VIB Luxury Auto. Congratulation!
If you are looking to sell your car for Quick Cash, please give Henry Wu a call : 778-892-6858. He will get you the best deal in town.
Donny Tjhin just got a "Product Advisor" job offer from Columbia Chrysler. Congratulation!
If you are looking for Chysler, Dodge, Jeep or Ram , please give Donny a call : 778-709-0905. He will get you the best deal in town.
Simon Zhan just got a "Operation Manager" job offer from ECS Auto Detail. Congratulation!
If you are looking to full detail your car, please give Simon a call : 778-239-2735.
If you are looking for a Volkswagen, please give Zoey a call : 236-889-9566.
If you are looking for a Honda, please give Zoe a call : 236-868-2258.
如果大家需要 Finance or Lease, 欢迎給我打电話, 我会給你最好的價錢和服務!
Richard Zhang just got a "Sales Consultant" job offer from Capilano Volkswagen. Congratulation!
If you are looking for a Volkswagen, please give Richard a call : 778-688-7855.
Antonio Wang just got a "Internet Sales Specialist" job offer from Trust Auto. Congratulation!
If you are looking for a Luxury Pre-owned Vehicle, please give Antonio a call : 604-518-3698.